Don't say i din warn you.
Mom: "Mel,come eat this!"
Mel: "What? ok coming coming."
-Mom brings out some ugly looking purple fruit-
Mom: "This one very good for health, lots of fiber."
Mel: *Which fruit not good for health la?* "Uh... yeah..."
Mom: "Very sweet la!"
Mel: *Moves tongue and taste* "Where go sweet, taste like water nia."
Mom: …
Mel: "Looks like some monkey brain with dead house fly stuck in it."
Mom: "Shut up and eat, expensive fruit you know!"
Mel: *Feel like crying as each bite enters my mouth*
-After 30 min-
Sorry, the font went crazy.. so some big some small.
Lol dragon fruit, right?
wahahahaha!!! wat ku-ku??!! i also don like dragon fruit..but da bad meh?!
Lol yeah dragon fruit, now i know, *sigh* nice name used on a stupid fruit. (sorry, no offense to those who luv dragon fruit) =)
By the way, what this mean?? >>> "聖なるかな』のページを一部更新しました?" <<<
I posted i luv to go japan, but i still not good in their language, so who ever can translate this please do so, tyty. =)
Yo u know, im doing this cause i've been harrased to do so..HAHA jk!yess i have a exhiliriting sense of humour n no doubt i have been laughing off my chair wen i read yr post..not literally.. =D
But yeah, i can practically get the rought picture of wat was going on in your head tat time (HAHA yar rite =D)
Anyways, stop asking me to start a blog, cause i wont. =)
lol! haha, i know not that funny, will try better next time. =D thx for the honest comment. =)
And since when i ask u start blogging ? :P i ask u 2 drop by my blog la boy. XD
Dragon fruit taste horrible, give me good old fashion honey dew anyday..The name says it all ..And i am also harass to post a comment so xD!
I'm laughing...
Ahahaha, that ain't that bad! Well, I haven't tried it before but still! Hehe, at least it provided some entertainment for you and me right? You got a chance to fool around with it by taking pics and I get to laugh at you, who had to go through the torturous moments. *grins* pros and cons baby!
I heard Anthrax Gamma makes your skin glow and much smoother...Try it.
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