Our shift starts at 9.30am today, Sio Sen, Rebekah & I tumpang one of our friend - Terence's car to our work place.
The 4 of us we divided and sent to 2 different areas, Hartamas & Mount Kiara.
After dropping the girls at Hartamas both of us guys head to Mount Kiara.
I have totally no idea where and how does the place look, we only knew our supervisor by the name of - Qian Qian.
Like sheep to the slaughter, we just went in and hope our supervisor isn't a devil.
And thank goodness she is a really nice person!
"strawberry bathing", in other words, wipe the strawberry..
Upon the normal introduction and all, we take a look at the outlets menu, just to have a rough idea of what we sell.
After that, its ice cream tasting session! We get to taste a bit of all the ice cream that Desserts Bar offer.
Not bad for a 1st day..
Our supervisor teach us how to make this particular dessert, the one above.
Its apple jelly + green, red, black grapes + apricot + yogurt at the end, its nice, but dry..
Till the end, you feel like throwing up after eating it, but heck, its an experience anyway!
I really like it here, this training is going to be a really good one!
So good in fact, they really understand their employee very well.
How can you not like to work for Desserts Bar?
p/s: sorry for the short update, some thoughts has been really distracting me these days, I will be better soon, till then will think of better & funnier updates! :D
Christopher: My resolution for this new term, skip less class!
Me: Yeah rite, isn't that what you said last term?
Christopher: Serious, this time I wont skip class.
Day 2 of term 4 Me: David(his house mate), where is Chris?
David: You know, as usual.. Me: ......
Both my favorite blog posers combo together! Karl Wong and Sio Sen
Thinking back of those months in college makes me feel old..
At the same time last year, we were just term 1 students, and now we are in the 2nd year, semester 4.
Changes are inevitable, they are bound to happen no matter what you do and where you are.
I've realize that I've change too, and I believe that the people around me surely will notice.
You see what I mean?
Some said that I'm more closed up to myself.
Some said I talked way a lot compare to last time.
Some said I have a 'strong character'.
Omgosh! My face look darn evil in this photo! Sio Sen, Rebekah & me
Some said I'm slacking.
Some said I'm more stuck up.
Some even said I don't understand you.
Hotel management wrong course my friends, should go for acting! XD - Joel & Daniel
For better or for worst.
Bottom line, people do change in some ways.
And everyone surely has something to say, which is a good thing, cause comment help to built us up, I love to hear comments from people about myself. :)
Of course, we have to be wise in listening, not all comments are acceptable.
Cocktail making by Mr. Tay Boon
Anyhow, this terms rating?
I would say its a 2.5 out of 5..
I personally find this time round, everything is quite dry.
The subjects, oh my goodness, especially the French!
nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine
13 words with "-" symbol, just to say "999999"..
In French, they don't just say the numbers, they multiply them!
I'm not sure which number, but for example, number 50, we just say fifty, they say "10 x 5"!
Crazy I tell you...
Cocktail tasting session was rather interesting.
I did taste those cocktail, some good, some bad.
I wonder how people came up with these anyway..
Lu Shen, Ivana et Moi(and me)
Too bad I don't drink liquor.
The alcohol content is just plain high for me.
I remember someone got drunk rite? Hmmm..... I wonder who... :P
The class that I enjoyed the most other then Marketing, would be the restaurant practical.
Mr. Patrick kick our arses really hard towards the last few classes.
Nevertheless, its still better then French and English class!
Little rat found in restaurant store!
Although this is a rat, but its so cute!
This is one chicky rat, he will look at you and not run away, and when you put your hand near, he will stand and raise his 2 little hands.
Karl & Jeff at Old Town Kopitiam
But he was so stupid, he got caught by a plastic bag, it was so curious, it just stayed there looking and sense no danger ahead.
Till I can take a photo of it.
Fandi in the public speaking competition
I remembered on one fine day, our campus had an fire emergency, we were required to evacuate the building as soon as we can.
No, no one died, but apparently someones car(Honda City) got caught on fire.
The reason behind the flame? Unknown...
There was a white MYV beside it when that happen, what happens when a white MYV is beside a burning Honda City?
You'll guest it! It becomes a "Michael Jackson" MYV!
Get it?? =X
I like this picture, its so natural! Fandi & Ivana
If you still don't get the lame joke, it means half black half white la! XD
Which its true, our lecturer told us.. I feel sorry for who ever owns that car...
I wanted to go take a look myself, but I was too lazy to do so...
Someone is posing, find her! :D
I don't know why, I feared this terms exam more then the previous final exams.
Maybe everything is so new and different from year 1?
Or maybe I've truly slacked a lot?
My skipping class record is higher compare to the previous 3 terms add together.
That is because we got a bitch lecturer for Business English whom is glued in front of the PC and sits while teaching.
Chris attempts to "anwar" Daniel while Joel is watching
That is part of the exam fever phenomena...
Anyhow, we are going to start our training in a weeks time, it will be a great time ahead!
Will really miss college!
Manager day! Sio Sen, Chris, Me, Wen, Karl & Yin
I'm selected to take up the role of the restaurant promo manager in term 5 and Sio Sen the assistant manager.
Honestly, I'm half excited and half scared, but we will not fail you guys!
We gona make a big big boom together!
Till then, take care guys, all the best for training!
I tell you, little Ivan is gona be a really good actor someday...
He is practicing already!
Behold the "ji wang" look.
Like em good sad Korean drama where their love story is always so darn complicated.
Little Ivan is playing the sad guy face when the girl goes off with another guy.
Next up, the "I kill uuuuu!" look.
You know those drama series where family members back stab each other in order one can gain all the wealth.
He is now playing the role of the jealous younger brother, in this scene he is plotting to kill the elder brother because the father gave all the money to his brother instead of him.
This is the "omg she loves me!" look.
He is depicting a guy whom just gain the love of the girl he long chased after.
And, the "holy shit!" look.
He is now showing how was Fandi's face when he got pawn by me in dota a shocked facial expression when he knew he strike a lottery.
Not forgetting the "wuu lala" look.
It is when he saw a really cute baby girl next to his cradle.
Last but not less, the "the day is save" look.
You know those superhero movies, after they saved the day, sure got some look on their face wan, I just wonder which hero is he imitating...?
I cant wait to see him during the full moon party! :D
Its a joy for me to announce this! *keeping fingers cross*
From the 7th - 15th of December, I will get my arse on the plane and fly myself to Jakarta, Indonesia.
If you guys have any words of advice, please do tell me! Really appreciate it, thank you! ;)
Jakarta at night..
The date might be clanged if there are any problems during the planning.
Actually the plan is not to visit Jakarta only, the main idea is to visit Bali Island.
There will be 2 other friends of mine whom will joining me at this point of time, I shall not review who they are now, because the plan is not solid yet.
Anyway, our journey will be a really rough one, due to the inability to splash money like water,
I have searched Air Asia for other alternative instead of a direct flight to Bali which cost around RM 660 to & return.
Tanah Lot, Bali
I came to a conclusion, and its the best I can get for now:
1. Flight from KL to Jakarta(RM192.50), stay a night or 2. 2. Take bus from Jakarta to Bandung, stay a night or 2. 3. Take bus from Bandung to Surabaya, change to ferry and cross over to Bali Island. 4. Take ferry from Bali back to Surabaya, taxi to airport and fly back to KL(RM270).
Tada! Master plan!
Sura & Buaya, that is how Surabaya city got its name..
But there are always room for unexpected events.. I just hope that things will go well..
Hmm.. There is something I find quite funny, I told a friend of mine from Jakarta that this was my plan.
National monument
She naturally assumed that maybe my local friend there will be bringing me around, but that wasn't the case.
Her facial expression changed.. As if I just told her something shocking..
Kelimutu Lakes, Flores
She then wished me "semoga kamu bisa pulang ke Malaysia dengan selamat"(hope you will return to Malaysian in one piece)...
I was confused, so I asked.. And apperently Jakarta ain't quite a safe city to travel in(thats what they say).
I mean how bad can it be?
Lucky for me, she told me to confirm the date with her, when I will be there and how long will I be there, and she will arrange her friends or someone to bring us around during our visitation.
Its still under planning.. :)
Really, I'm looking forward for this trip, its gona be one heck of an experience, and most importantly, got stories to tell when I come back! :D
Sunset at Kuta
Last but not less, I found this comment somewhere in the net.
"In Jakarta, crime can happen almost anywhere. One of the most common places to get robbed would be the public transportation. Be very careful of what you show people when you are in public. Keep your eye on your stuff! If the crew takes your luggage, make sure you can watch the luggage compartment or at least be sure nobody can get to it. Pickpockets are also common in buses. Hijackers (sometimes a gang of high school students!) can sometimes take over the bus. Bus terminals are usually full of people and can be a problem as well. If you decide to use public buses, don't flaunt your wealth (or anything someone may want to take: cameras, expensive sunglasses, cellphones etc)"
View of Jakarta at night
Darn sure I'll look forward for this trip.
Hijacking our parents car consider very big balls already.
August 17, I was invited by a friend of mine to her church event at Bandar Sunway.
Upon entry, I was greeted with the word "merdeka" by 2 girls.
Owhhh kayyy.... Thats unusual.. I mean, who the heck greats people with "merdeka"? Maybe its their culture during independence day,
But I know we Malaysians one thing for sure will not great each other "merdeka", but most of the time we will rejoice together and proclaim,
"Yay! tomorrow holiday!".
I smile and nodded my head to the girls.
As I was about to walk into the hall, they handed me a bulletin and a miniature 'Bendera Merah Putih'.
Its a shame to say that, I don't even have the 'Jalur Gemilang' and I am now having the 'Bendera Merah Putih'.
Well, during secondary school times, they gave it to us during the merdeka celebration, but they took it back after the assembly, so what to do...
Blardy cheap bastards! :P
And I never buy also la, so.. shhhtttt!
Oh, I forgot to mention that 17 August is the independence day of Indonesia.
Well, now that you get the picture, I can go on sharing my experience witnessing the entire event as a foreigner.
I've arrived at the church a little bit early, my friend was part of the team which will conduct the 'Upacara Bendera'(flag ceremony).
So I had to sit alone among people I don't know.
The upacara started with the team marching in from the hall door way.
I was told by my friend, they had to do this every Monday during school times, much like our Malaysian version of perhimpunan(assembly).
The only difference is they use a certain groups of people to perform, while ours, siapa-siapa pun boleh(anyone also can), mainly perfects prefects.
I notice something, the flag carrier is a girl.
But what interest me even more, was the amount of girls in the upacara team are more then the guys!
No I'm not being sexist, but normally guys are more into these kind of thing rite? This totally surprised me.
After the upacara, the church service starts.
Till a point, during the singing, the stage leader said, "mari kita kibarkan panji-panji kita."(come lets raise our flags!)
Hmm..... I looked around, everybody young or old, guys and girls, all raise their flags.
I'll look darn odd if I continue to keep my hands in my pocket, and no one knows that I'm Malaysian, and I couldn't possibly explain to them, it will just make me look dumb.
There is a Malay saying, "masuk kandang babi jadi babi, masuk hutan monyet jadi monyet!"
Yes I know what your thinking, shut up.. :P
So I took the little flag, raise it up till my neck level and just move it left and right.
Come on man, I don't even frigging wave the Jalur Gemilang pass my head.
But, I felt a sense of difference at that moment, it just doesn't feel 'home'.
I like the phrase written there, "Patriotic, will not fade till the end of age."
Hmm... Its like this, you wish Lee Chong Wei will win the gold meddle, but at the same time, you criticize and say "Malaysia sure cant wan la", but in your heart you really wan him to win,
But when he lost, you start to say, "see la, what I told u, sure lose wan", at the same time in your heart you felt very sad because he lost.
Thats the closest how I can describe.
I think that feeling is call nationalism. Remember I said once, "loving the country and loving the government is 2 different thing."
Maybe is time for us to think what do we really feel about our own country, indeed there are many shit in our piece of land, and darn your right everyone is sick of it,
But are we going to complain forever?
Through my observation during the entire event,
I can really say that these group of Indonesian people know that their country has many problems(which I think we know a bit also reading from news papers),
Yet they pray their hearts out for a better transformation in their country, the girl who prayed on stage, I can see tears flowing from her eyes.
Man I tell you, their level of nationalism, is something we are way far behind.
The event came to an end with the choir team performing, I manage to capture 1 minute of their performance with my half arse quality camera phone, photos = good, video = very bad.
The sound quality made it sound bad,
but the actual performance is really good.
Selamat Merdeka to all my Malaysian friends.
Lets move onwards for a greater and glorious future!
She was the one whom invited me for this event, Ivana.
Halo! My name is Melvin, or KC as some refer me. ^^ I believe in dreams, and I'm striving to reach for my dreams day by day, trying to encourage and empower others to do the same as well. One thing I cant stand is to see the talents of people being suppress by circumstances or simply not using them at all. My crusade begins by discovering more about myself, nobody is perfect, and everyone has to learn. One step at a time. ^^