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  • Sunday, November 9, 2008

    Temporary Inspirational Down Spiral

    Whats On My Mind:

    I feel like a walking dead man...
    So "Energyless" and tired...

    I sat in front of my computer, with all my strength I began to think and feel.

    I closed my eyes, and began to follow with the melody.

    I listen to it again and again and again and again.

    To my horror, I wasn't able to put into pen any words to describe the feeling from the playing melody.

    I felt frustrated,

    "What has happened to me?! Why cant I write anything!?"

    Doubt began to cloud my senses, I could not understand why,

    My mind was white blank, I literally felt that I was choking when I lay myself on my bed, every breath I take it felt heavy.

    Suddenly rhyming and 'poetic' writing seems so alien to me.

    Maybe because I am just mentally and physically tired?

    Maybe its just not the right time?

    Or maybe I'm just blunt and this season of time...?

    I wan to be able to write good lyrics again... I believe I will once more, even better and greater then before.

    But when? When will I regain my inspiration again...

    Dear God, empower me to write again!


    -ay4- said...

    hey, long time didn't check ur blog.. hehehe

    btw, i thnk ur inspiration ll come when u feel that u re in a good mood. When u push ur mind n ur body to do it, i thnk u ll make it worst.. so, jst relax... jst bring a small note book come along to u.. so, anytime u feel comfortable to write, u can write...

    all d best..
    writer... ^^


    Anonymous said...

    ur unbeloved sir adrian here...u need 2 regain some arts!

    Watch a theatre / play or even a musical...it can be expensive...but it works!

    My personal recommendation.