But now...
-Day 1-
This day was pure crap, we just sit down and listen to some people giving their speech.
There was this particular French guy who went up to speak.

Tell u ar his Frenchiee-English will either cause you to like him, hate him or make you laugh till u drop and roll on the floor.
*I told some of you I am gona make a "special video" rite. =P But it cant be done now, or my mum would think I am mad. so be patience yea. =)*
Later on the day, I got to know a guy from Indonesia, the pathetic thing is, till TODAY I don't know his name...
Wanted to ask but there was always distractions that draws me or him away.
I'll work on that. =)
-Day 2-
I felt really upset at myself, I cant believe yesterday, I spend almost the entire day at campus and get to know only ONE person, some more can don't know his name...
I must get to know more people! I CANT be like this for 2-4 years! I MUST!

But I was unsure what are the response I will get from people a.k.a I was scared.
After lunch, I sat in the hall waiting for the EPT results which determine which group I will enter.
I "stoned" in the hall for almost 1 hour++ and there was another 1 and a half hour to go...

I turned back to scan the crowed, I saw a guy sitting behind me, I went up to him and introduce myself....
Wallah! And we became friends! Later only I knew, he was from Vietnam, he studied in Singapore for 2 years before entering Taylors.
The best part was, we even ended up in the same group(DH 28 - Group 2)!
Later on during the group discussion, I get to know a hand full of people as well.
Not a bad 2nd day after all. =D
-Day 3-
Its play time!

Today was the BEST day of all, not only we played games, my network of friends expended in a larger scale then the past 2 days
Due to us been break up into groups with people that we never meet before.
I get to know people from various places with different types of background.
Including people from different parts of Malaysia and few international students.

Let me just introduce few international students.(Sorry la my fellow country man! maybe next time. =P)
For instance I meet a guy from Swaziland Africa, his background was a rather interesting one, he asked me not to share with others(within Taylor's I guess) about his occupation before he came to Malaysia.
My word I shall honor, so I am sorry, cant post it here. =P
I also got to know 2 gorgeous ladies, 1 from Korea and another from China.
Soon, I chatted with another dude from Indonesia, he was our group leader for the team building session, cool guy.
Sorry la for the lack of elaboration and pictures, if I kept going on about my experience, I guess some of you might get bored,
So I decide to keep this post short and sweet. =D
If any of you wana know more, do come and chat with me, I would be more then happy to tell my story. =P
College is not that bad after all! XD
Anyway, have a great weekend guys. =)
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